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Center for Community Health Advancement

  • We enrich lives by addressing health priorities in our communities.

    Our Center for Community Health Advancement (CCHA) team of health educators, community health experts and volunteers at Marshfield Clinic Health System works with hundreds of community partners including coalitions, businesses, schools, county programs and many others to address specific health needs of the communities we serve. We do this by continuously assessing our communities’ needs, identifying gaps, developing and implementing evidence based or promising practice programs, and evaluating the effectiveness of those interventions. 


    We invite you to join us in promoting healthy communities by volunteering.


    In 2018, our CCHA team began an almost yearlong strategic planning process to identify our service area community health priorities. As part of the process, we conducted extensive data analysis, conducted key informant interviews with local, regional and statewide partners, and sought out experts in various fields to gain insight into the needs of our communities.  As a result, our system health priorities were identified and are known affectionately as the ABCS: Alcohol and Substance Abuse; Behavioral Health; Chronic Disease; and Social Determinants of Health. Learn more.


    Now accepting AmeriCorps Applications. Read more >

    Our community health experts and health educators are collaborating on programs and initiatives that serve everyone in the community. Each are intended to promote healthy lifestyles, reduce health risks and help prevent public health problems, especially those relating to alcohol and drugs.
    Image of AmeriCorps volunteers


    AmeriCorps, a federal program often referred to as a domestic Peace Corps, provides a number of benefits to both individuals and community agencies working to improve community health. Marshfield Clinic Health System (MCHS) AmeriCorps provides work experience, a living stipend, and other benefits to individuals, while providing organizations with additional staff capacity to work on important health improvement programs. 


    Behavioral, Emotional, Social, Traits (b.e.s.t.)

    Behavioral, Emotional, Social, Traits (b.e.s.t) is a screening tool that brings behavioral health care directly into schools. Teachers screen each student for b.e.s.t. After screening, follow-up is provided to the teacher to help analyze behavior patterns, reinforce positive behavior in the classroom and school-wide, and determine next steps for students needing extra support. 

    behavioral health

    Behavioral Health

    We implement multiple programs to bring behavioral health resources where they are needed most. Many communities in our service area have identified behavioral and mental health as a top priority. Our programs bring education and awareness efforts directly into the communities to support mental wellness for all.


    Chronic Disease

    We are working to improve access to healthy food, promote physical activity, and prevent and reduce tobacco/nicotine use, all of which contribute to a higher risk of chronic disease and improve quality of life. A chronic disease is a long-lasting health condition or one that develops over time, such as arthritis, cancer, heart disease and diabetes. 

    Comm Conn

    Community Connections Team

    Our health care providers and staff know your health is affected by your community more than by the care you receive within the clinic walls. Patients are screened during health care visits to identify areas of need, such as food, transportation, clothing and utilities. Our Community Connections Team (CCT) enlists volunteers to connect patients with local resources to meet their needs and helps individuals improve their health and quality of life.

    teacher talking to a class

    Community Investments

    We are committed to enriching lives by helping individuals and communities achieve their best health. Since 2012, CCHA, in collaboration with Security Health Plan, has offered community health grants and stipends supporting local initiatives, program and processes that address community health needs. 

    Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

    Health Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (HEDI)

    We are fully committed to ensuring our employees, patients, and communities have a just opportunity to be as healthy as possible. We embrace diversity and welcome differences in who we are and how we think. We believe that any individual or group should feel welcomed, respected and valued.

    Northwoods Coalition Home

    Northwoods Coalition

    This coalition is a collection of community coalitions dedicated to substance use prevention. It provides support through funding, training and advocacy to the county and tribal nation coalitions in Marshfield Clinic Health System’s service area. Working with the community coalitions, Northwoods Coalition makes a larger collective impact to reduce substance use and create strong, healthier communities. 

    Afterschool Home

    Wisconsin Out of School Time Alliance

    Our Center for Community Health Advancement team supports the Wisconsin Out of School Time Alliance through advocacy and professional development for out-of-school time program providers. The alliance's goal is to ensure all children in our state have the opportunity to attend high quality afterschool and out-of-school programs year-round.

    Community health work does not happen without partnerships. CCHA partners with hundreds of community agencies including health departments, schools, afterschool programs, childcare centers, health centers, food pantries, homeless shelters, senior centers, and too many more to name. All our initiatives require collaboration with one, or many, community partners. CCHA is deeply grateful to all our partners that contribute time and resources to improve health in central Wisconsin.

    Center for Community Health Advancement would like to thank the following funding partners:


    • Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
    • City of Marshfield
    • Department of Health & Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
    • Family Health Center of Marshfield, Inc.

    • Marshfield Area United Way

    • University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point

    • University of Wisconsin System

    • Serve Wisconsin – Wisconsin National & Community Service Board

    • Supporting Families Together Association

    • Wisconsin Department of Health Services

    • Wisconsin Partnership Program 

    Contact Us
    Our Center for Community Health Advancement staff welcomes questions or comments you may have. Contact us via email or phone:


    Learn how our services impact our communities and view our community health strategies: